Garden Builder - a fascinating simulator from the first person for android devices. Addictive levels Beautiful and incredibly high-quality first-person simulator that can become not only fun leisure for a player of any age, burummy deityt also meditative entertainment that can relieve unnecessary stress. In Garden Builder, you play as an experienced gardener, and your mission is to serve clients' local areas with special care and love for nature. In this game you will not only take care of the lawn and gardens, but also update the territories, decorating them with various decorative objects and live plants. Fun and realistic Garden Builder will delight you with a simple and addictive gameplay, where everything that happens can be contemplated from the person of the character. Here you have to mow lawns, plant trees, flowers and bushes, build garden pavilions, and also do not forget about cleaning and proper care of the vegetation. Garden Builder has detailed 3D graphics, easy-to-lea controls, varied and addictive gameplay, as well as a pleasant atmosphere of the game.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 134.49 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newДобавлен русский язык.Update history-----
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