Santorini Pocket Game [Free Shopping]

Santorini Pocket Game - a picturesque arcade simulator for android devices. Fascinating economic simulator A beautiful and very entertaining simulator that will draw you into your game world from the very first minutes and will give a lot of completely new impressions. In Santorini: Pocket Game, you can build your own unique resort completely from scratch, and then enjoy its unique atmosphere and beauty. Hotels, restaurants, lodges and beaches, fun mini-games, mesmerizing seascapes and fun gameplay await you in Santorini: Pocket Game. High-quality gameplay and graphics The rules of the game are very simple: you need to build up the territory of the island with hotels and the necessary infrastructure, and then attract tourists and ea money along with bonus points. Santorini: Pocket Game will offer you more than 200 interesting tasks, a well-developed system of modeization of structures, a comfortable interface, high-quality 3D graphics and gameplay verBlack Jack ified to the smallest detail with a lot of content.CPU---Android OS5.0Open GL---Free Space 76.42 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newУлучшен баланс;Исправлены ошибки.Update history-----
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