
Energy is one of the most important components of the universe, which is a single measure of various forms of movement and interaction of matter, a measure of the transition of the movement of matter from one form to another. Being constantly in motion for existence, energy must be replenished so as not to fade away and not stop its movement. Energy as positive so negative energy creates chaos. The game is about positive energy, which in order to exist must always be replenished. Once in a world where only negative energy and chaos reign, you will have to fight it and get to a safe energy field. A universe in which, except you, all existing energy is negative and is your enemy, existence becomes difficult and unsafe.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 122.79 MBAndroid TVNoGamepaFortune OX d SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history -----

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