Interstellar Cattle Rustlers! Fly the UFO and beam up cows in this upside down Space Invaders style arcade game about cattle mutilations by UFO. Based on allegedly true cattle abduction and mutilaDoubLe Fortune tion events by actual aliens, you can test your UFO pilot skills against angry ranchers and government helicopters while collecting bovine specimens, ultimately returning the life support cow to earth. FBI documentation included. Alien documentaion is not. Designed for tablets, this game has been played on a couple of phones - looks a little small to me, but heck, if that's how you roll who am i to judge? I rated this low maturity, it has cartoony fictionalized violence, but it may be a little disturbing, though honestly, not as disturbing as the idea that some folks actually believe this really occurs...
There are banner ads in this game. As with all my software, any money i earn from this app will be used to to fund my children's education, they,re gonna need it, and you can see how far I got...